Wednesday, January 13, 2021

How long it has been and how far I have come..

Even though things break. Sometimes there are mistakes we make. Work hardening makes things strong, but they will still crack before long. In-between some annealing could provide healing. A little warmth could prevent a crack before things happen that can't be taken back. We can avoid the fire for fear of the burn, but we need the warmth to remove the concern. Most times steel will take the abuse and still be of use. Most times will take it and spring back true. It all depends on repairs you're willing to do.

~Nathan Braendle

Was going to school to be an HVAC Engineer at Ferris State University. Found out that I couldn't pay cash and didn't want student loans. Went into the field as a technician and never looked back. One of the only good decisions I made along this process of finding who I was. Got the decent job. Got the wife. Joined the union and got the benefits. Got a house. American dream. I was broken. The job I ended up in wasn't as good as it seemed and I was being blocked by the person that was supposed to put me first. I left. I took the job offer for the dream job. Got the job. A year later and I regret nothing in my life. 35 years old and I have learned from every stupid mistake and tried to grow. Have done so successfully or so I think. I now know my worth and that is worth every bump along the way. As soon as I stopped being beaten down and stressed I came back stronger and more eager for it all. For life. Warmth was breathed back in. Like a fresh wind in sails. No matter what happens I know I will be okay. I am a man with skills. I will always have work and feel fortunate. I now know that there are things that people cannot take from you...

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